Friday, March 28, 2014

Robert Foresta recommends the book Lift Every Voice: The Naacp and the making of the civil rights movement

Robert Foresta believes this book by Patricia Sullivan is a major contribution to our understanding of the political and cultural history of African Americans—indeed, of America itself.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Robert Foresta is attending the Fayette County NAACP - 2014 Local ACT-SO Competition

Robert Foresta is attending the Fayettte County NAACP - 2014 Local ACT-SO Competition / Saturday, March 29, 2014 10:00 AM
Fayetteville, GA (directions)
The Fayette County Youth Council NAACP sponsors its 2014 ACT-SO Program competition to be held on Saturday, March 29th starting 10:00 AM at The Olivet Baptist Church, 877 Highway 314 N., Fayetteville, GA.  

Robert Foresta supports the NAACP